Summer Skincare Tips:
7 Secrets From Top Beauty Experts

Summer Skincare Tips:
7 Secrets From Top Beauty Experts
It’s the season of dry skin and zit—and it’s not
lovely at all!
Lucky for you, beauty experts have spoken, and
here’s what they
recommend for your summer
skincare routine.

Avoid Wearing
The summer season makes us feel all sweaty. And that just doesn’t smell
right. Right?
So you might think of options like wearing perfume all over
your body.
Amanda Elias, founder of Bravura London and a renowned expert in beauty says that’s the one thing you should avoid.
Do it with your hair instead.
When you put perfume on your skin, and the sun hits it, that’ll likely trigger some skin irritation.
So, instead of splashing fragrance all over your body, just do it with your hair. Lightly spray your hairbrush with a gentle scent, and use it to brush through your locks.

Honestly, this feels
lot fresher.
Lighten Up Your
Skincare Routine
You may know some people who level up their skincare routine when the hottest days of summer come.
But board-certified dermatologist and co-director at the Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology Clinical Research Team, Omer Ibrahim, says the opposite.

In summary: the
simpler, the
better, the
for your
in summer.
You may know some people who level up their skincare routine when the hottest days of summer come.
But board-certified dermatologist and co-director at the Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology Clinical Research Team, Omer Ibrahim, says the opposite.
Lighter dress, lighter
Ibrahim’s logic?Here it goes.
"In the summer, I generally remind patients that just like their wardrobe, their skin-care routine may need to be a little more lightweight."
Hydrate Yourself
All of us are likely aware of the dehydrating effects of staying under the hot summer sun.
But even if you’re just staying at home, you’re still more likely to get dehydrated in the heat of the season.
Drink plenty of water
Ariel Ostad, a board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon in New York City, emphasizes how drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated.
I guess it’s simply the principle that you are what you eat—or drink—for that matter. Whatever you put inside your body shows in your skin. So drink water.

Water is still the
best drink
for your
skin and body.
Shower Shorter
Now, if you’ve come here just after reading #3, you’re probably thinking, what in the world?
You’re supposed to drink lots of water but just shower shorter? How come?

Got that? Make your
showers quicker in the
Over-showering leads to over-drying
According to Ibrahim, "over-showering, or showering in water that is too hot, can lead to over-drying your skin, leading to inflammation and even summertime eczema."
What you can do instead is to keep your showers short, around four to five minutes, he says.
Don’t Pick At A Zit

Oh—nn-n-no-no! Don’t
dare pick at that zit!
We all get that urge to pick at an annoying zit.
It drives us crazy that that satisfying feeling afterward is the only thing we look forward to… until ultimately regretting it.
But the damage has been done!
Sorahi Toloyan-Rahimi, a dermatologist from MountainView Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada, addresses how this behavior is dangerous to your skin.
It can lead to scarring and infections.
She says, “If you squeeze it, you will damage a deeper part of the skin, and that can cause scarring, and if it’s on the nose, it can cause severe infections.”
You wouldn’t want to get a worse effect like that, so try to keep your fingers off your face, especially during zit season.

Wear Sunscreen
Speaking of avoiding scarring and infections, you also need to protect your skin from the sun’s direct heat.
And all skin experts agree.
Choose SPF 30 or higher.
Make sure to apply sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher on all exposed skin. Apply some on your ears and lips, too, aside from just your forehead or cheeks, or arms and feet.

For best results, choose sunscreens
that have
natural ingredients.
Nourish Your Skin
with Vitamin C & E
The most important thing your skin needs is nutrients. Ibrahim states that "Vitamin C is great year-round, but all the more important in the summer."
“But I can get that from some sunscreens,” you say. Well...

Put on some extra
for the extra

Vitamin drops do it better.
While you can find sunscreens already formulated with Vitamins C and E, directly applying these vitamins to your skin is highly recommended by Toloyan-Rahimi.
She says, “For anyone who feels their skin is getting dry, I recommend using vitamin C and E drops. They improve fine lines and wrinkles by helping build collagen.”
We trust she’s right.
Complete Your Summer Skin Care Essentials
If you don’t have a summer skincare regimen yet, now’s the best time to pick up some natural skincare products to add to your vanity drawer.
Also, make sure to follow the essential habits above!
That way, you’ll feel freer to go out and about under the hot summer sun.

Can’t wait to go out this summer? Find out the most trendy stuff you get to enjoy in LA this season. Check out our quick guide Here >>> LINK TO Top Summer Trends Blog Post <<<